- Corporate member
- Full member
- Associate member
- Affiliate member
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- Corporate member
Annual membership fee : 28,000 JPY
- Full member
Annual membership fee : 18,000 JPY
- Associate member
Annual membership fee : 10.000 JPY
- Affiliate member
Annual membership fee : 5,000 JPY
About Membership
- There shall be the following categories of members:
- Corporate Members;
- Full Members;
- Associate Members;
- Affiliate Members.
- All memberships shall be at the discretion of the Management Committee as provided for in the Constitution. Conditions of membership in the Association for those organisations complying with standards of eligibility shall be in accordance with the Constitution.
- For the purpose of maintaining a fund for the operation of the Association, the members shall contribute such amounts as may be determined at each Annual General Meeting for the following fiscal year. The fiscal currency of the Association shall be the U.S. dollar. The Association may accept contributions in currency other than the U.S. dollar as circumstances may warrant.
- The Association may establish and put into effect such further rules, regulations and orders governing admission to membership, termination of membership, and duties and obligations of members as the Constitution provide.
- Criteria for application as a Corporate Member
- Open to Feng Shui agencies/consultancies or organizations associated with the practice of Feng Shui.
- Each Corporate Member shall be represented by one representative who shall himself/herself meet the qualifications of Full Membership of the Association.
- Each Corporate Member is entitled to send up to a maximum of 2 representatives to be present at the Association's functions at members' rates. Each Corporate Member is entitled to exercise one voting right in the affairs of the Association and use the letters 'CIFSA'. Each Corporate Member shall be eligible to nominate one representative who is at least 21 years of age, from their agency/consultancy or organization to hold office in the Association.
- Annual membership fee is 28,000JPY per annum.
- Criteria for application as a Full Member:
- 21 years of age or more;
- At least three years' comprehensive experience in Feng Shui practice; and
- No criminal records
- Full Members are entitled to exercise full voting rights in the affairs of the Association and is entitled to use the letters "MIFSA" Full Members shall be eligible to hold office in the Association.
- Annual membership fee is 18,000JPY per annum.
- Criteria for application as Associate Member:
- 21 years of age or more;
- Have been professionally engaged in Feng Shui practice for a minimum period of one year; and
- No criminal records.
- Associate Members are entitled to exercise full voting rights in the affairs of the Association and is entitled to use the letters "AIFSA" Associate Members shall be eligible to hold office in the Association.
- Annual membership fee is 10,000JPY per annum.
- Criteria for application as Affiliate Member:
- 21 years of age or more;
- Not eligible for categories of membership mentioned above but otherwise associated or interested in the practise of Feng Shui; and
- No criminal records.
- Affiliate Members are not entitled to exercise full voting rights in the affairs of the Association. Affiliate Members shall not be eligible to hold office in the Association.
- Annual membership fee is 5,000yen per annum.
All applications must be accompanied by a remittance covering the entrance fee (to be decided by the Management Committee) and annual membership fee appropriate to the particular category of membership. All fees shall be payable in advance.
Admission to each category of membership is subjected to approval by the Management Committee upon the advice of the Membership Committee.
Background check of applicant to determine if Feng Shui was used in a
manner according to it's proper principles and not in way that could be harmful to society.
Any person(s) involved in illegal business or selling products or services
not related to Feng Shui as well as person who mix religion with Feng Shui are rejected.
All applications submitted are reviewed an answered by the executive committee.
Currently in Japan some people who call themselves "Feng Shui Master", "Feng Shui consultant" or "Feng Shui coordinator" not practice authentic or traditional Feng shui. Some of them give wrong advice or sell products for an extremely high price by claiming they will bring good luck, in reality having nothing to do with Feng Shui.
We are concerned about this and always try to distinguish these false information, superstition or religion from traditional Feng Shui.
Our goal is to spread and educate authentic and traditional Feng Shui.
Benefits of Membership with the IFSA
- IFSA Membership Certificate and wallet sized ID Card
- Biography, Qualifications and Picture listing on the IFSA website (for Corporate, Full and Associate members)
- Eligible to display IFSA Logo on website, business card and marketing material
- IFSA members can apply to the IFSA Executive Committee for accreditation of Educational Courses
- IFSA members can apply to the IFSA Executive Committee for accreditation as Master
- Discounts for all IFSA conferences, workshops and seminars
- Access to IFSA Members Only Community Forum
- Exclusive Members only Offers and Discounts
- Networking and mentoring opportunities
- Membership enhances your reputation as a Professional Consultant and provides credibility for your business
- Access to articles in the Newsletter
- Event advertising through the IFSA website
- Voting rights in the affairs of the Association (limited to Corporate, Full and Associate members only)
Membership application