About IFSA












Message from the President






The objectives of the Association shall be to encourage and assist in the development of the Feng Shui practitioners' profession globally, in a manner which enhances the image of the Feng Shui profession and fosters the highest standards of Feng Shui competence and practice, by:


  • Uniting the Feng Shui profession and bring practitioners/organizations under a common banner.
  • Providing a channel for the exchange of ideas and professional experience among those engaged in Feng Shui practice.
  • Developing and publishing original studies and papers; conducting meetings and holding congresses and events with a view to promote the best practices of Feng Shui.
  • Undertaking such other activities as may be of general benefit to all members.
  • Promoting the profession in those parts of the world where it is still young and helping to establish Chapter Associations.It should do this from a strictly independent position.

Executive Committee


President              Hitoshi Kawamoto

Vice President              

